Helping deliver safe, affordable and sustainable animal protein.
Healthier animals are more productive, use less resources, and therefore reduce their impact on the environment.
Farmers and ranchers use progressive animal health practices and innovative technology to keep animals healthy. Healthier animals help sustain the environment. Merck Animal Health is committed to advancing the health of animals and safeguarding animal and food safety with our vaccines, medicines, and monitoring and traceability technology.
Sustainable Agriculture and Food Supply Chain News

Sharing the Dairy Sustainability Story with Consumers
We know that we, too, play an important role in the food value chain and are committed to helping deliver a safe, transparent and sustainable food supply to meet the world’s growing demand for animal protein.
Listen to the podcast episode to learn how the supply chain from farm to fork is engaging to bring consumers along on the journey.
Producer panel: sustainability in beef production
Sustainable meat production is possible. Hear from cattle producers as they share how they’re improving the sustainability of beef cattle production within their operations. Read about the role of animal health in their sustainability plans and the advice they have for other producers.
Written by Jessica Finck, Ph.D., Value Chain & Consumer Affairs, Merck Animal Health

Sustainable Food Systems Resources

Sustainability in Agriculture
Healthy animals produce less emissions and more food for a growing population.1

Hormone Implants Help Farmers Raise Beef Sustainably
Learn more about how this tool helps farmers and ranchers raise beef sustainably.
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1Oxford Analytica. Animal Health and Sustainability A Global Data Analysis — Summary. A Report Produced for HealthforAnimals. April 18, 2023. https://www.healthforanimals.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/AH-and-Sustainability-Report-Summary.pdf. Retrieved Aug. 1, 2023.