With a “One Health” approach, our company supports efforts to treat
both unsheltered pets and homeless pet owners with critical medical care
The Street Dog Coalition:
Customers come in many different forms and sizes, from ranchers to pet owners to organizations that support our mission of healthy animals. As we continue to celebrate our customers as a part of our Unconditional social commitment platform, we have a variety of assets to share, and more to come!
Our association with the Street Dog Coalition showcases the meaning of caring for those on both ends of the leash. For those who are not familiar, Street Dog Coalition is a not-for-profit organization that provides free medical care and related services to pets of people experiencing, or at risk of, homelessness. The premise is, once trust is established between the pet caretaker and the Street Dog Coalition, the organization can also begin to help not only the pet but the pet owner.
Merck Animal Health provides much-needed medicines and volunteer hours to support this organization’s mission.
Watch this heartfelt video to learn more about the good work this organization does.
In addition, we are happy to launch a new episode under Finding Unconditional, on the Street Dog Coalition. A special thanks to our very own Dr. Robert Duquette for his work with the organization. You can check out the podcast at FindingUndconditional. Feel free to promote this podcast series to your customers!