Cattle Banamine & Nutritionals
Product Description
BO-SE® is an emulsion of selenium (a mineral) and tocopherol (vitamin E) for the prevention and treatment of white muscle disease syndrome in calves, lambs, and ewes. BO-SE is used in sows and weanling pigs, as an aid in the prevention and treatment of diseases associated with Selenium-Tocopherol deficiency, such as hepatic necrosis, mulberry heart disease, and white muscle disease. Where known deficiencies of selenium and/or vitamin E exist, it is advisable, from the prevention and control standpoint, to inject the sow during the last week of pregnancy.
Product Name | Pkg Size | GTIN#/UPC# | UIN# |
BO-SE® | 1 x 100ml | 300610807052 | 065478 |
Important Safety Information:
DO NOT USE IN PREGNANT EWES. Deaths and abortions have been reported in pregnant ewes injected with this product. WARNINGS Anaphylactoid reactions, some of which have been fatal, have been reported in animals administered BO-SE Injection. Signs include excitement, sweating, trembling, ataxia, respiratory distress and cardiac dysfunction. Discontinue use 30 days before the treated calves are slaughtered for human consumption. Discontinue use 14 days before the treated lambs, ewes, sows and pigs are slaughtered for human consumption. Selenium-Vitamin E preparations can be toxic when improperly administered.