Cattle Banamine & Nutritionals


Product Description

MU-SE® is an emulsion of selenium (a mineral) and tocopherol (vitamin E) for the prevention and treatment of Selenium-Tocopherol Deficiency (STD) in weanling calves and breeding beef cattle.

Product NamePkg SizeGTIN#/UPC#UIN#
MU-SE®1 x 100ml300610950048065547


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“Important Safety Information:
CONTRAINDICATION Do not use in adult dairy cattle. Premature births and abortions have been reported in dairy cattle injected with this product during the third trimester of pregnancy. WARNINGS Anaphylactoid reactions, some of which have been fatal, have been reported in cattle administered the MU-SE product. Signs include excitement, sweating, trembling, ataxia, respiratory distress, and cardiac dysfunction. Use only as directed in weanling calves and breeding beef cows. Discontinue use 30 days before the treated cattle are slaughtered for human consumption.”