Cattle Implants


Product Description

REVALOR®-G (trenbolone acetate and estradiol implants) is an implant used to increase rate of weight gain in pasture cattle (slaughter, stocker, and feeder steers and heifers) in a slow-release delivery system.

Product NamePkg SizeGTIN#/UPC#UIN#
Revalor®-G10 x 10 dose8713184125965126547


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Fast Facts: REVALOR G

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IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION: Not to be used in animals intended for breeding, dairy animals, or veal calves. Implant in ear only. Any other location is in violation of Federal Law. Not approved for repeated implantation (re-implantation) with this or any other cattle ear implant in growing beef steers and heifers on pasture (stocker, feeder, and slaughter). Safety and effectiveness following re-implantation have not been evaluated. Do not salvage implanted site for human or animal food. A withdrawal period has not been established for this product in pre-ruminating calves. Not for use in humans. For complete safety information, refer to the product label.