Equine Products and Marketing Assets

ARMATREXâ„¢ can be used as a final bacteriostatic finish to impart fungistatic (mold and mildew), or algistatic activity that provides freshness, reduces surface deterioration, or microbiologically induced corrosion. An antimicrobial agent inhibits the growth of odor causing bacteria, fungi, mold, mildew, and algae.

BANAMINE® (flunixin meglumine paste)
BANAMINE® (flunixin meglumine paste) is recommended for the alleviation of inflammation and pain associated with musculoskeletal disorders in horses.

Bio-Thermo® Microchip for Horses
Bio-Thermo microchips contain a patented built-in temperature biosensor1, and are therefore able to measure a horse’s temperature at the implantation site. It is an easy, safe, and quick alternative method of taking multiple temperature measurements.

DOLOREX® (butorphanol tartrate) is indicated for the relief of pain associated with colic in adult horses and yearlings. Clinical studies in the horse have shown that butorphanol tartrate alleviates abdominal pain associated with torsion, impaction, intussusception, spasmodic and tympanic colic, and postpartum pain. WARNING: FOR USE IN HORSES ONLY. NOT FOR USE IN HORSES INTENDED FOR […]

E-SE ® (selenium, vitamin E) injection is an emulsion of selenium-tocopherol for the prevention and treatment of myositis (Selenium-Tocopherol Deficiency) syndrome in horses.

EQUI-BITS® Fenbendazole Type C Medicated Feed
EQUI-BITS® Fenbendazole Type C Medicated Feed top dress pellets equine dewormer is indicated for the control of large and small strongyles, pinworms and ascarids (roundworms).

Equine Disease Outbreak Map
Equine Biosurveillance Respiratory Diseases in the USA By Regions. View maps to review trends and numbers for positive cases reported by Merck Animal Health for each region and year.

Equine Health Library
Horse care for the life of the horse and understanding the different life stages of a horse. Find information on Broodmare, Foal, Young Horse, Performance Horse, Pleasure Horse and Senior Horse.

Equine Health Library Downloads
Fillable PDF resources for creating health records of every equine life stage. Find and download records for all life stages, dental, deworming, special needs and vaccination.
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