A Partnership of Excellence
Merck Animal Health is the trusted leader and advocate for disease prevention. From disease research and clinical studies, to the proven efficacy of NobivacĀ® vaccines, Merck Animal Health is always striving to help you keep pets safe.
A History of NobivacĀ®
Through Merck Animal Health, NobivacĀ® has made significant contributions to the development and innovation of vaccines ā enabling essential progress for animal health over the decades.
First company to develop a feline Bb vaccine with NobivacĀ® Feline-Bb
First to introduce Advanced Delivery Technology (ADT) needleless vaccine delivery to avoid accidental injection of intranasal canine cough vaccinesāNobivacĀ® Intra-TracĀ® 3 ADT
First USDA-approved canine distemper, adenovirus (Hepatitis), parvovirus (DAP) vaccine with 3-year DOIāNobivacĀ® Canine 3-DAPv
First USDA-approved feline rhinotracheitis, calicivirus and panleukopenia virus (HCP) vaccine with a 3-year DOIāNobivacĀ® Feline 3-HCP
Published first data demonstrating protection with our canine range against parvovirus 2c strain
First to develop a Lyme vaccine, NobivacĀ® Lyme, that induced borreliacidal antibodies to outer surface protein C
First canine influenza (H3N8) vaccine with NobivacĀ® Canine Flu H3N8
First company to provide a FeLV vaccine with a 2-year DOI with NobivacĀ® Feline 2-FeLV
First leptospirosis vaccine, NobivacĀ® Lepto4, with label claims against mortality and urinary shedding caused by serovars L. canicola, L. grippotyphosa, L. icterohaemorrhagiae and L. pomona
Introduced VacciPureā¢ filtration advancement to NobivacĀ® Lepto4
Launched first bivalent canine influenza vaccine protecting against both CIV H3N2 and CIV H3N8 with NobivacĀ® Canine Flu Bivalent
First canine influenza vaccine to include protection for felines
Introduced first low-volume range of vaccines, which includes parainfluenzaāNobivac EDGEĀ® DAPPv, Nobivac EDGEĀ® Lepto4 and Nobivac EDGEĀ® DAPPv+L4
Professional Resources and Educational Materials
Keep your clinic and staff informed and aware of diseases and outbreaks.

NobivacĀ® Social Media Kits
Digital Assets
Use these ready-to-share posts to educate pet parents and drive business to your clinic for preventative care.
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