Targets and kills like no other Lyme vaccine.
- Kills Borrelia burgdorferi in the tick and in the dog5,80
- Licensed to protect against inflammation and pathology of subclinical arthritis1,5
Talk to Your Clients About Lyme Disease
Transmission of Lyme

Lyme disease is transmitted by Ixodes spp. ticks, commonly called deer ticks. The ticks carry the bacterial cause of Lyme disease, Borrelia burgdorferi

After attaching to a dog, a tick takes a blood meal which stimulates the B. burgdorferi, in the midgut of the tick to change their outer surface protein from Osp A to Osp C. This outer surface protein change enables the bacterium to move to the tick’s salivary glands and from there it can be injected into the dog’s bloodstream.

Once in the bloodstream the organism is carried to multiple locations, including the joints. Dogs may still appear asymptomatic despite disease presence.
Let’s Talk Lyme Disease Facts:
According to the CDC, there’s an increase in ticks and a massive increase in tick related diseases, with the number of reported tickborne diseases more than doubling in the last 13 years.81
- Tickborne diseases are on the rise and prevention should be on everyone’s mind
- Ticks that can transmit Lyme disease have expanded their geographic range and are now being found in places they weren’t seen 20 years ago82
- The number of counties in the US considered to be high risk for Lyme disease has increased by 320% since the 1990s82
- CAPC data shows that dogs are being exposed to Lyme disease in areas nationwide outside of those traditionally considered to be endemic of Lyme disease54
- Approximately 75% of unvaccinated dogs in endemic areas will eventually test positive for Lyme disease55
- The best way to protect dogs is year-round flea and tick control and vaccinating those dogs that visit or live in endemic areas56
U.S. Canine Lyme Disease Prevalence83

Lyme Disease Risks
Lyme Disease Presents Multiple Threats to Your Patients

Dogs at Risk
- Dogs that live in or will be travelling to states with high or moderately high Lyme disease prevalence and populations of Ixodes ticks are at risk for infection.
- Labrador Retrievers and Golden Retrievers are at greater risk for developing Lyme disease nephritis.58,59

Infection Factors
- Infection rates of the vectors vary by region and season and can be as high as 50% in adult ticks.84
- After tick attachment, >24 hrs elapse before the first organisms are transmitted into the host’s skin.84
- Encourage your clients to perform tick checks anytime their dog returns from the outdoors to minimize attachment time.

Morbidity Threats
- While arthritis is the most common clinical manifestation of Lyme disease, Lyme nephritis can also develop and is generally fatal.
It’s About Stimulating Borreliacidal Antibodies to Both OspA and OspC
With Incidence and risk of Lyme disease on the rise, give your patients the proven protection of Nobivac® Lyme.54 Only Nobivac® Lyme is proven to protect dogs by inducing borreliacidal antibodies to both OspA and OspC.80

Targeting the Conserved Region
Nobivac® Lyme induces antibody response that produces proven protection
- Nobivac® Lyme uses patented technology to target the conserved region of OspC that is common to all Borrelia species expressing OspC1,5.
- Dogs vaccinated with Nobivac® Lyme will form borreliacidal antibodies which will eliminate any strain of Borrelia burgdorferi that expresses OspC1,5,80.
- Not all antibodies are the same, only Nobivac® Lyme actually stimulated OspC borreliacidal (killing) antibodies.1,80
Borreliacidal Antibodies
Not all antibodies are the same. Borreliacidal kills quickly; opsonizing marks for destruction later.

Exceptional Efficacy Due to Double Layer Protection
The borreliacidal antibodies induced by Nobivac® Lyme were shown to be highly effective in killing B. burgdorferi and preventing infection5
Vaccine Development That Provides Comprehensive Protection.1
- Proven safe and well tolerated in a field safety trial of more than 600 dogs
- 99.3% reaction-free
- Since 2009, Nobivac® Lyme has been safely administered to over 4 million dogs