Grow stockers and revenue with REVALOR-G.
With a payout proven in real-world grazing periods, REVALOR-G delivers an ROI stocker operators can count on.1

Key Benefits
The #1 choice in stocker implants.2
REVALOR-G is used in more stocker cattle than any other brand. In fact, it leads the next closest implant brand by a more than 2-to-1 margin. Here’s why.
REVALOR-G delivers added weight gain for a proven ROI.
Cattle implanted with REVALOR-G while on pasture gain an average of an extra 23 lbs. and maintain the added weight during the finishing period.3
It’s dosed for stockers’ maturity levels.
As animals mature, increased doses in implants are needed to make implants more effective. REVALOR-G matches the hormone level with the production setting to achieve maximum productivity.
Proven in wide variety of grazing periods and forage conditions.
In grazing studies of a variety grazing periods and forage quality, REVALOR G treated cattle gained an additional 23 pounds over the non-implanted control cattle.
Other Key Benefits
- Doesn’t affect subsequent feedlot performance.
- Helps cattle gain even on low-nutrition, dormant winter pasture.4
Product information
(trenbolone acetate and estradiol implants)
Product Description
REVALOR-G (trenbolone acetate and estradiol implants) is for use in pasture cattle (slaughter, stocker, and feeder steers and heifers) Contains 40 mg of trenbolone acetate/dose and 8 mg of estradiol/dose.

Increases rate of weight gain in pasture cattle (slaughter, stocker, and feeder steers and heifers) in a slow-release delivery system.
Do not use in veal calves. Effectiveness and animal safety in veal calves have not been established.
One implant containing 40 mg trenbolone acetate and 8 mg estradiol is administered to each animal. The 2 pellets which make up the dosage of Revalor®-G are contained in one division of the multiple dose cartridge. Ten doses are in each cartridge. The cartridge is designed to be used with a special implant gun.
Box of 10 x 10 cartridge implants
Store unopened product at or below 25°C (77°F). Avoid excessive heat and humidity. Use product before the expiration date printed on the label and on the cartridge pouch. Opened cartridges may be stored in the foil pouch protected from light in the refrigerator (2-8°C/36-47°F) for up to 6 months.
Not to be used in animals intended for subsequent breeding, or in dairy animals. For Animal Treatment Only. Not for Use in Humans. Implant pellets in the ear only. Any other location is in violation of Federal Law. Do not attempt salvage of implanted site for human or animal food.
A withdrawal period has not been established for this product in pre-ruminating calves. Do not use in calves to be processed for veal.

Implant today, impact tomorrow.
There is mounting pressure to be more sustainable and many worry they will have to sacrifice their bottom line to do it. See how our growth-promoting implants can help you both achieve sustainability and turn a greater profit.
Implant Strategies for Cattle on Grass
RALGRO on the cow, REVALOR-G off the cow. See why that’s the motto Dr. Wade Nichols, senior technical services manager, stresses to his clients.
Implanting for Performance
Shane Kime believes in taking advantage of all the available tools he can to help put pounds on his cattle. And when it comes to his cattle on grass, he puts his trust in REVALOR-G.

REVALOR-G Technical Bulletin
Effects of Revalor®-G or Synovex® One Grass on stocker steer performance in a Kansas Flint Hills early intensively stocked program on native tallgrass prairie

REVALOR-G Detailer
Proven ROI with an implant designed for stockers, just another way Merck Animal Health works for you and your operation.

REVALOR-G Fast Facts
Grow stockers and revenue with REVALOR-G. The right timeline. The right dose. The right performance. The right choice for any pasture or season. The right safety.
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U.S. only: Merck Animal Health livestocktechsrvc@merck-animal-health.com or call 1-800-211-3573
For more information, please see the product label.
1. Shockey D, Coffey K, Jr, Rosenkrans C. Effect of Revalor-G Implants on Weight Gains of Steers Grazing Bermuda Plus Dallisgrass Pastures. Available at: www.beefstockerusa.org /research/ arkansas/ EffectRevalor-G.pdf. Accessed March 12, 2019.
2. Animalytix Market Data.
3. Data on file, Merck Animal Health.
4. Ackerman CJ, Paisley SI, II, Purvis HT, Horn GW, Karges BR. Effect of a Revalor-G Implant and Source of Supplemental Protein on Weight Gain of Steers Wintered on Dormant Tallgrass Prairie or Old World Bluestem. 1997 Research Report. Oklahoma State University Department of Animal and Food Sciences. Available at: http://afs.okstate.edu /research_reports /1997rr/ 015.htm. Accessed July 16, 2019.
5. Blasi DA, Kuhl GL, Reynolds MD, Jr, Brandt RT. Effect of Revalor-G on the Performance of Stocker Heifers Grazing Irrigated Smooth Bromegrass Pasture for a Full Season. Cattlemen’s Day. 1997.

Take a look at the other implant options available from Merck Animal Health.

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