
Canine influenza virus (CIV) has been diagnosed in almost every state in the continental United States, yet vaccination rates among dogs remain surprisingly low. This course takes a closer look at the two current strains of CIV (H3N2 and H3N8), which populations of dogs are at risk for developing CIV, and the performance of the Nobivac® line of CIV vaccines in protecting dogs from disease.

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Dogs can become infected with many different parasites, but the “unholy trinity” of roundworms, hookworms, and whipworms are among the most common and well-known infectious agents. In this lecture, we will cover the prevention and biology of these three important parasites.

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The ARM (Attract, Retain, and Motivate) study, funded by Merck Animal Health, addresses one of the biggest priorities for veterinary practices: retaining valued veterinarians and office staff.

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Five of the most concerning canine vector-borne diseases around the world include Heartworm disease, Borreliosis, Rickettsiosis, Babesiosis, and Leishmaniasis. This presentation will prepare the US clinician to recognize and respond to these diseases. The epidemiology, etiology, clinical signs, diagnostics, treatment, and prevention options for these five diseases will be covered.

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As veterinary professionals, caring for animals and promoting positive health and wellbeing for pets is in our DNA. Anyone who is involved with veterinary medicine understands …

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