
Grow stockers and revenue with REVALOR-G. The right timeline. The right dose. The right performance. The right choice for any pasture or season. The right safety.

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Proven ROI with an implant designed for stockers, just another way Merck Animal Health works for you and your operation.

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Effects of Revalor®-G or Synovex® One Grass on stocker steer performance in a Kansas Flint Hills early intensively stocked program on native tallgrass prairie

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Featuring data from studies conducted with 32,000 head of cattle in every major cattle feeding region in the U.S. and western Canada.

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NEW BOVILIS® NASALGEN® 3-PMH is the first and only intranasal BRD vaccine offering protection against IBR, BRSV, PI3, Pasteurella multocida and Mannheimia haemolytica. Safe to use in young calves for a strong, healthy foundation. And a

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