Training Platform: www.PartnerTraining365.com
PartnerTraining365.com is the Training Platform for our Retailer, Dealer and Distribution partners. To access the training, please go to https://partnertraining365.merck-animal-health-usa.com/#/login to register and take training lessons on livestock, equine, pet and vaccine-cooler related topics. When registering, please use the username and temporary password below.
- Username: Your email address that was previously used to register for Partner Training365
- Temporary Password: Merck@123
- You will then be prompted to create your own unique password after you login.
If you are working with a Merck Animal Health Representative to take key trainings for season-focused activities, please access this training site to officially complete the training at https://partnertraining365.merck-animal-health-usa.com/#/login to get “credit” for completion of trainings.
Download Learning Modules for your LMS Training Site

RALGRO® / REVALOR®-G Merck AH Minute Training Tool

Backyard Chicken Flock Health: Merck Animal Health Minute Training Tool

Deworming Chickens with SAFE-GUARD® AquaSol: Merck Animal Health Minute Training Tool

Chute-Side Deworming with SAFE-GUARD® Merck AH Minute Training Tool

Pasture Deworming with SAFE-GUARD® Merck AH Minute Training Tool

BOVILIS® Reproductive Vaccines Merck AH Minute Training Tool

Livestock Ectoparasiticides Merck AH Minute Training Tool

ALLFLEX® Merck AH Minute Training Tool

BOVILIS® Clostridial Vaccines Merck AH Minute Training Tool
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