Frequently Asked Questions:
Calf Vaccination

Getting calves off to a healthy start

Learn from these commonly asked questions as you make plans to vaccinate calves and prepare them for the next stage.

Common Vaccines

Vaccination Tips

Handling & Storage

Using intranasal vaccines


Always work with your local veterinarian who knows your goals and health challenges in your area.

Explore the complete line of Vaccines from Merck Animal Health

1. Kesl, L., Saltsman, R., Burdett, B., Nordstrom, S., Xue, W. Determination of the Number of Days from Vaccination to Challenge Required for Protection from Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR) Virus Challenge Following Vaccination with Onset 5 IN and Vista 5 SQ in 13–30 Day Old Colostrum Deprived Calves. Publication pending in World Buiatrics 2022.

2. Midla, L., Griebel, P., Edmonds, M., Van Engen N., Townsend, H., Renter, D., Streeter, M., Hutcheson, J. Nasalgen vs. Inforce: Immune Response to Vaccination in Neonatal Colostrum Fed Holstein Calves. Publication pending in JAVMA 2021.

3. Superior Livestock Auction Data 2023.

4. Glynn T. Tonser. Dept. of Agricultural Economics. Kansas State University. Evaluation of 2023 Superior Livestock Auction data.