Frequently Asked Questions:

Drive reproductive performance in your herd

Learn from these commonly asked questions how to incorporate reproductive tools into your protocols to gain more control and enhance efficiency.

Tighter calving windows

Natural service synchronization

AI synchronization

Reproductive vaccines

Monitoring for beef cows

Always work with your local veterinarian who knows your goals and health challenges in your area.

Explore the complete line of reproductive products from Merck Animal Health

SenseHub Cow Calf is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease in animals. For the diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevention of diseases in animals, you should consult your veterinarian. The accuracy of the data collected and presented through this product is not intended to match that of medical devices or scientific measurement devices. 

ESTRUMATE: Do not administer ESTRUMATE to a pregnant cow unless abortion is desired. Severe localized post-injection clostridial infections have been reported; in rare instances infection has led to death. Women of childbearing age, asthmatics, and persons with respiratory problems should exercise extreme caution when handling ESTRUMATE. ESTRUMATE is readily absorbed through the skin and can cause abortion and/or bronchospasms; direct contact with the skin should be avoided, and accidental spillage on the skin should be washed off immediately with soap and water. For complete safety information, refer to the product label.

FERTAGYL: Not for use in humans. Keep out of reach of children. For complete safety information, refer to the product label.

1. Cushman, R. A., Kill, L. K., Funston, R. N., Mousel, E. M., & Perry, G. A. (2013). Heifer calving date positively influences calf weaning weights through six parturitions. Journal of animal science91(9), 4486–4491.

2. Larson, D. M., Musgrave, J. A., Funston. R.N. “Estrous Synchronization Increases Early Calving Frequency, Which Enhances Steer Progeny Value.” Nebraska Beef Report. 2010:14-16.

3. European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products, Committee for Veterinary Medicinal Products, Cloprostenol and R-Cloprostenol Summary Report. 1997.