Overcoming labor shortages and improving health in high-risk calves

In Cheyenne Wells, Colorado, where the population barely tops 700, is Schutte Farms. Managed and operated by husband-and-wife duo, Seth and Karmon Ebright, this 7,000-head feedlot has adopted technology to combat its struggle with labor shortage and to improve health outcomes while managing high-risk cattle.

“We’re in the middle of nowhere,” Seth explains. “So, the technology is a must because finding people to come to work in the middle of nowhere is really hard.”

Karmon emphasizes the added work involved with managing high-risk cattle. “The cattle we bring in from Texas are definitely more high risk. They take a lot more intervention and care to get them on the straight and narrow and to be able to grow. It’s me, my husband and our kids that help out,” she says.

Seth and Karmon Ebright

Schutte Farms turned to SenseHub® Feedlot to tackle its challenges head-on. The system utilizes ear tags equipped with sensors to track body temperature and activity levels. Using proven algorithms, if a deviation from the ordinary is detected, an alert is sent either on a desktop or mobile device and simultaneously, an LED light on the respective animal’s tag illuminates and flashes, so pen riders can spot them at a glance.

Seth and Karmon’s 13-year-old daughter and 14-year-old son ride pens and pull sick cattle to be brought into the chute for evaluation and treatment. Karmon credits SenseHub Feedlot for helping train the young pen riders to identify cattle that need further evaluation.

“SenseHub Feedlot technology is a great learning tool, especially for the younger generation, like my children. It helps with the early detection and intervention of pulling cattle before they even look sick,” explains Karmon.

Like nearly all feedyards, Schutte Farms struggles to manage Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD) within the herd. “Most of our cattle come from Tyler, Texas. It’s 13 hours away, and naturally, Texas is a warmer climate. BRD is challenging and can devastate your entire feedlot, so we try to stay ahead of it,” explains Seth.

The farm relies on its veterinarian to prescribe treatment protocols. “Our first treatment regimen is Resflor Gold® (florfenicol and flunixin meglumine) because it’s got the antibiotic and the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) in the same dose,” Karmon explains, emphasizing the efficiency and effectiveness of their approach.

“We decreased our death loss and chronics by over 3.5%. The combination of the technology and the treatment regimen is paying for itself in the way we care for our cattle,” adds Seth.

Seth is not surprised by the results he’s seen from SenseHub Feedlot because early-detection technology has been on his radar since 2005 when he was a pen rider.

“In 2005, I was riding pens and I thought early detection, especially for high-risk cattle, would be appealing. I tried to patent my idea. Of course, none of the technology was around then,” Seth explains, proudly holding a nearly 20-year-old book containing his idea for an early-detection calf monitoring system.

At Schutte Farms, SenseHub Feedlot is revolutionizing the way they manage their cattle, optimize labor, reduce animal fallout and ensure the well-being of their livestock.

“SenseHub Feedlot has been a huge game changer in our overall operation. It’s an awesome tool and an aid for everything we do,” Karmon says.

Meet other Game Changers who are working to better their operations, ensure their legacies and improve their industry.


SenseHub Feedlot is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease in animals. For the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of diseases in animals, you should consult your veterinarian. The accuracy of the data collected and presented through this product is not intended to match that of medical devices or scientific measurement devices.


Not for use in humans. Keep out of reach of children. Do not use in animals that have shown hypersensitivity to florfenicol or flunixin. Avoid direct contact with skin, eyes and clothing as product contains materials that can be irritating. Animals intended for human consumption must not be slaughtered within 38 days treatment. This product is not approved for use in female dairy cattle 20 months of age or older, including dry dairy cows. Use in these cattle may cause drug residues in milk and/or in calves born to these cows. A withdrawal period has not been established in pre-ruminating calves. Do not use in calves to be processed for veal. Not for use in animals intended for breeding purposes. See package insert for complete information.

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