Embracing efficiency to preserve dairy legacy

Moving an entire dairy operation is a daunting undertaking. But when Justin Stewart, owner of Arizona Dairy Company, had the opportunity to move his cows closer to their feed source, he capitalized on it, ultimately improving operational efficiency.

Efficiency is a driving factor for Stewart, and something he believes is essential to Arizona Dairy Company’s long-term future.

That’s why Stewart decided to sell his property when big tech moved next door to the original dairy in Mesa, Arizona. The destination was a previously existing dairy facility about 80 miles away in Gila Bend, where Arizona Dairy Company already owned 6,000 acres of farmland. The operation also includes an embryo lab that capitalizes on the top-notch Holstein genetics that Arizona Dairy Company is known for.

A man in a hat and vest stands in front of a cattle feeding bunk.

The move brought more than a change in scenery. Stewart halved the size of the milking herd from 6,500 to 3,250 cows and incorporated SenseHub® Dairy behavior monitoring technology.

Stewart wanted to bring monitoring technology to his operation, and the transition to a downsized herd proved an ideal time to pull the trigger.

“The cows we brought here are the best of the best. It was the right time to get monitoring collars,” he explains. Cows wear SenseHub Dairy collars, while breeding-age heifers are outfitted with SenseHub ear tags.

With many options available for cattle monitoring, Stewart picked SenseHub Dairy based on value, convenience and data accuracy.

“SenseHub had the most accuracy day in and day out, minute to minute and second to second. And it provided that data in an easy-to-read environment,” he says.

The technology saves Arizona Dairy Company time and money, by allowing employees to find cows quickly and accurately when they need attention. Automatic sorting gates make efficient use of employees’ time and create a better environment for both cows and workers.
The technology saves Arizona Dairy Company time and money, by allowing employees to find cows quickly and accurately when they need attention. Automatic sorting gates make efficient use of employees’ time and create a better environment for both cows and workers.

“The sort gates bring the cows to us for dry-off, hoof trimming, treating and breeding,” Stewart explains. “Everything happens at the sort gate.”

As a result, the operation has moved away from using headlocks to manage the herd. “When you don’t lock up cows, they’re going to eat. They’re going to be happier. They’re going to produce more milk,” he says.

SenseHub also improves cow care by detecting potential issues before clinical signs appear, allowing for earlier intervention. For example, if the Arizona summer causes heat stress, the team can add more cooling to the affected corrals. SenseHub technology facilitates rapid response to any issue, such as a bad feed mix. And it allows for more targeted reproduction.

“Knowing when the cow is at the peak of her breeding time, that’s a game changer. We know exactly when to breed that cow,” Stewart says.

Arizona Dairy Company pairs SenseHub technology with Merck Animal Health products to maximize reproductive efficiency.

“We use SenseHub monitoring to gather data on every cow’s individual heats leading up to the first breeding,” he explains. If reports do not show consistent heats for that animal, Stewart’s team uses ESTRUMATE® (cloprostenol injection) and FERTAGYL® (gonadorelin) to synchronize estrus prior to the first service.

Monitoring precision has paid off for Arizona Dairy Company in the form of increased milk production, employee satisfaction and 5% to 10% higher conception rates. The dairy is now extending monitoring to young replacement heifers by installing new SenseHub® Dairy Youngstock technology.

“Working with a one-stop-shop like Merck Animal Health is the best and most efficient way for us to operate,” Stewart adds. “Having our SenseHub information and corresponding treatment options in one central location simplifies what we do as dairy producers.”

Thanks to SenseHub, the Arizona Dairy Company team knows beyond a shadow of a doubt how cows are doing and what they need, Stewart observes. With that comes efficiencies, better animal care and peace of mind. “That’s been a game changer for my family and our day-to-day operation,” he says.

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FERTAGYL® IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION: Not for use in humans. Keep out of reach of children. For complete safety information, refer to the product label.

ESTRUMATE® IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION: Do not administer ESTRUMATE to a pregnant cow unless abortion is desired. Severe localized post-injection clostridial infections have been reported; in rare instances infection has led to death. Women of childbearing age, asthmatics, and persons with respiratory problems should exercise extreme caution when handling ESTRUMATE. ESTRUMATE is readily absorbed through the skin and can cause abortion and/or bronchospasms; direct contact with the skin should be avoided, and accidental spillage on the skin should be washed off immediately with soap and water. For complete safety information, refer to the product label.

SenseHub® Dairy is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease in animals. For the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of disease in animals, you should consult your veterinarian. The accuracy of the data collected and presented through this product is not intended to match that of medical devices or scientific measurement devices.

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