Udder health solutions for every stage of production.
Mastitis is an ever-present concern on dairies. With a comprehensive portfolio of udder health solutions, Merck Animal Health has what you need to support the health of each individual cow for improved milk quality and overall profitability.

The effective, affordable way to cut mastitis losses.
AMOXI-MAST effectively targets Gram-positive bacteria, allowing producers to treat clinical mastitis and with a high overall cure rate of 80% or more. A simple, three-treatment regimen over 1.5 days and a short, 60-hour milk withhold gets milk back in the tank fast.1,2

Relief is in the palm of your hand.
BANAMINE TRANSDERMAL is the first and only pour-on approved by the FDA for control of fever caused by mastitis. It goes to work quickly, and the simple, convenient application means reduced labor for you and less stress on your cows.

Mastitis protection with the lowest level of endotoxin on the market.3
BOVILIS J-5 is a Gram-negative core-antigen vaccine that is proven to help reduce both the frequency and severity of clinical coliform mastitis. It contains the lowest endotoxin levels on the market to help minimize stress and potential side effects.3

Effective, targeted treatment at dry-off.
ORBENIN-DC effectively targets Gram-positive bacteria to cure mastitis at dry-off and prevent new infections from taking hold. It offers zero milk withhold post-calving, and a short dry period of just 28 days gets cows into the milking string faster.
Now available in pails.

A teat sealant designed with your operation in mind.
SHUTOUT provides a physical barrier to prevent environmental bacteria from invading the udder. Using an internal teat sealant like SHUTOUT at dry-off can reduce the risk of infection by more than 70%.5 SHUTOUT is highly syringeable and offers a dual-tip syringe, providing an easy and flexible solution to preventing new intramammary infections during the dry period.

See the comprehensive portfolio of high-quality products from Merck Animal Health.

Stay in front of profit-robbing diseases with the comprehensive cattle vaccine lineup from Merck Animal Health.
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U.S. only: Merck Animal Health livestocktechsrvc@merck-animal-health.com or call 1-800-211-3574
For more information regarding efficacy and safety data, go to productdata.aphis.usda.gov
For additional information, please see the product labels.
Important Safety Information
AMOXI-MAST: Milk taken from animals during treatment and for 60 hours (2.5 days) after the last treatment must not be used for food. Treated animals must not be slaughtered for food purposes within 12 days after last treatment. For complete information, see the product label.
BOVILIS J-5: This product contains oil adjuvant. In the event of accidental self injection, seek medical attention immediately. For additional information, see the product label.
ORBENIN-DC: For use in dry cows only. Do not use within four weeks (28 days) of calving. Treated animals must not be slaughtered for food purposes within 4 weeks (28 days) of treatment. For additional information, see the product label.
SHUTOUT: For use in dry cows only. Zero-day milk and meat withdrawal when used alone. If administered following an antibiotic infusion, the antibiotic withdrawal periods for meat and milk must be observed. For additional information, see the product label.
1. Tomazi T, et al. Negatively controlled, randomized clinical trial comparing different antimicrobial interventions for further treatment of clinical mastitis caused by Gram-positive pathogens. J Dairy Sci. 2021;104(3)3364-3385.
2. Wilson DJ, et al. Comparison of seven antibiotic treatments with no treatment for bacteriological efficacy against bovine mastitis pathogens. J Dairy Sci. 1999;82:1664-1670.
3. Comparison of endotoxin concentrations in BOVILIS® J-5 with those in three commercially available Gram-positive, lipopolysaccharide core-antigen vaccines, Merck Animal Health technical bulletin, 2020.
4. Field trial to compare efficacy of BOVILIS® J-5 and ENVIRACOR® J-5 vaccines against clinical coliform mastitis during early lactation, Merck Animal Health technical bulletin, 2020.
5. Rabiee AR, Lea IJ. The effect of internal teat sealant products on intramammary infection, clinical mastitis and somatic cell counts in lactating dairy cows. J Dairy Sci. 2013;96:6915-6931.