Dry cows deserve complete care.
The dry period is a critical time that must be properly managed to ensure cows remain healthy and productive during their next lactation. It’s crucial that the dry period is properly managed to ensure cows remain healthy and productive during their next lactation. By providing the right products for this critical time, Merck Animal Health is committed to supporting dry cow health for both cows and newborn calves.
Protecting your cows from mastitis during the dry period.
Mastitis is recognized as the most common disease in dairy cattle, affecting 99.7% of dairy farms and 1 in every 4 dairy cows nationwide.1
In fact, more than 50% of environmental mastitis cases in the first 100 days in milk originate during the dry period.2

Benefits of Mastitis Prevention

A crucial time for scours prevention, too.
Scours is the #1 killer of pre-weaned calves.5
Maternal scours vaccines administered during the dry period can increase the protective antibodies found in colostrum to give young calves the protection they need against scours-causing pathogens.

cloxacillin benzathine intramammary infusion
Dry Cow Mastitis Treatment
Trusted for more than four decades, ORBENIN-DC delivers a targeted treatment of Gram-positive bacteria with the shortest required dry period and no milk withhold.
- As effective as the leading competitors6,7,8
- Shortest minimum dry period of 28 days
- Zero milk withhold post-calving
- Short tip for fewer intramammary infections

Internal Teat Sealant
SHUTOUT adds extra protection during the dry period by supplementing the cow’s natural keratin plug. Using an internal teat sealant like SHUTOUT can reduce the risk of infection by more than 70%.999
- Extra protection from mastitis during the dry period
- Highly syringeable for confident administration
- Flexible short- and long-tip options
- Biodegradable disinfectant wipes

Bovilis® J-5
Mastitis Vaccine
Coliform bacteria are a constant threat to cows’ mammary glands. BOVILIS J-5 is a Gram-negative core-antigen vaccine that works to help mastitis infections from taking hold of your cows, production and profitability.
- Proven to fight E. coli mastitis infections10
- No negative effect on milk production10
- Endotoxin levels the lowest on the market11
- Low stress and proven effective in older cows10

Scours Vaccine
GUARDIAN is the most complete scours vaccine available, protecting against the four major bacterial and viral pathogens associated with scours: Rotavirus types G6 and G10, Coronavirus types 1 and 3, Clostridium perfringens types C and D, and E. coli type K99.
- Most sophisticated sub-unit E. coli technology
- Minimal vaccine endotoxin exposure
- Long-lasting activity due to patented water and oil adjuvant
- Flexible dosing schedule

Learn more about complete dry cow management and the solutions from Merck Animal Health.
Important Safety Information
ORBENIN-DC: For use in dry cows only. Do not use within four weeks (28 days) of calving. Treated animals must not be slaughtered for food purposes within 4 weeks (28 days) of treatment. For additional information, see the product label.
BOVILIS J-5: This product contains oil adjuvant. In the event of accidental self injection, seek medical attention immediately. For additional information, see the product label.
1. National Animal Health Monitoring System, Health and Management Practices on U.S. Dairy Operations, 2014.
2. Bradley AJ, Green MJ. The importance of the nonlactating period in the epidemiology of intramammary infection and strategies for prevention. Vet Clin North Am Food Anim Pract. 2004;20:547-568.
3. Santos JEP, et al. Effect of timing of first clinical mastitis occurrence on lactational and reproductive performance of Holstein dairy cows. Anim Reprod Sci. 2004;80:31-45.
4. Rollin E, et al. The cost of clinical mastitis in the first 30 days of lactation: An economic modeling tool. Prev Vet Med. 2015;122:257-264.
5. US Department of Agriculture. Dairy 2007 – Heifer Calf Health and Management Practices on US Dairy Operations, 2007. USDA APHIS VS CEAH, fort Collins, CO, USA, 2010.
6. Johnson AP, et al. Randomized noninferiority study evaluating the efficacy of 2 commercial dry cow mastitis formulations. J Dairy Sci. 2016;99:593-607.
7. Aruda AG, et al. Randomized noninferiority clinical trial evaluating 3 commercial dry cow mastitis preparations, Part 1. J Dairy Sci. 2013;96:4419-4435.
8. Aruda AG, et al. Randomized noninferiority clinical trial evaluating 3 commercial dry cow mastitis preparations, Part 2. J Dairy Sci. 2013;96:6390-6399.
9. Rabiee AR, Lean IJ. The effect of internal teat sealant products on intramammary infection, clinical mastitis, and somatic cell counts in lactating dairy cows. J Dairy Sci. 2013;96:6915-6931.
10. Field trial to compare the efficacy of BOVILIS® J-5 AND ENVIRACOR® J-5 vaccines against clinical coliform mastitis during early lactation, Merck Animal Health technical bulletin, 2020.
11. Comparison of endotoxin concentrations in BOVILIS J-5 with those in three commercially available Gram-negative, lopopolysaccharide core-antigen vaccines, Merck Animal Health technical bulletin, 2020.

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