Improve your herd’s reproduction, health and nutrition with real-time insights.

Connect to Your Herd on a Closer Level

Success in cattle production relies on having a deep understanding of your herd’s needs. Whether it’s keeping track of cycles or spotting early signs of health issues, being connected is vital—SenseHub® Cow Calf makes it easier than ever before.


Observe and track animal status


Turn data into actionable insights


Use insights for operational gains

How SenseHub® Cow Calf works

Track animal activity
The electronic ear tag tracks animal activity using a built-in accelerometer to detect changes from an animal’s baseline.

Receive updates and insights
The SenseHub® Cow Calf software analyzes the sensor information and delivers reports and updates directly to caregivers’ mobile or desktop applications.

Act accordingly
Utilize the status reports and alerts to make confident decisions that improve reproduction, animal health and productivity.

Flexible Payment Options

There are two payment options available for SenseHub® Cow Calf. You can purchase equipment up front or opt for a monthly payment subscription on a five-year contract.

This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease in animals. For the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of diseases in animals, you should consult your veterinarian. The accuracy of the data collected and presented through this product is not intended to match that of medical devices or scientific measurement devices.

Better Outcomes Through Connection

“SenseHub is like having another person, a hired hand that’s always working for you, checking the cattle, making sure that you’re not letting any specific cow slip through the cracks to where you miss a heat, and you don’t get a cow bred back or implanted with an embryo. It’s really made our lives a lot more manageable, and we’ve done a lot better job getting our cows bred back faster.”

Jordan Cowan
Cowan Cattle Company

“It’s the best heat detection tool I’ve ever seen, except maybe the naked eye. And I think the combination of daily husbandry and SenseHub, you will increase conception.”

Jim Cowan
Cowan Cattle Company


Reproduction monitoring: Zero in on the reproductive status of every cow and reduce the uncertainty and inconsistency of monitoring heat.  

Health monitoring: Receive alerts of potential health issues earlier, often before clinical signs become visible.  

Group monitoring: Understand key herd behaviors at a macro level, including rumination activity, herd movement and other comfort, nutrition and health information.

Yes. SenseHub Cow Calf is ideal for: 

  • Producers whose herd can be within 1,050 feet of the controller at least once a day 
  • Producers who primarily use AI and/or ET practices for reproduction 
  • Show and club calf operations 
  • Producers with off-the-farm commitments that keep them from checking cattle in the pasture each day

SenseHub Cow Calf is an additional tool for producers to utilize when making breeding decisions. The technology may help increase conception rates by pinpointing when a heifer or cow is in estrus. SenseHub Cow Calf may also be used to reduce calving intervals and dependency on reproductive hormones.

SenseHub Cow Calf may provide vital insights into cow behavior post-calving to protect the female’s physical wellbeing.

Red Angus Cattle Group

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